Oregon Music News: Oregon’s all-genre music magazine since 2009


Josh Malm talks with Inessa: Redwood Son rolling with the punches / Audio

By INESSA // Josh Malm, a self-confessed complicated man, has had a whirlwind time of it. Some four years later, and a side bar move to Nashville and back to Portland, there’s a collection of new songs with Saints & Renegades. And a freshly released video that hits right to the heart of the matter.


It’s been a while since Josh and I sat down together to catch up on, well, everything! The last one-on-one centered around his moves to Nashville to take that deep nosedive into his music.

Our conversation ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. Living one’s purpose; divine/creative intervention; letting things blossom of their own accord (“don’t push the river”). Why Nashville? Why NOT Nashville. And we dove deep into the idea of the miracle of timing:  needing to be in the right place at the right time. There’s a really great story about that very thing. It lives inside the story of the making of Redwood Son’s video release for his song “Punches”.  Check out the video, and our convo, below.


Redwood Son

Facebook: Redwood Son

Cypress Jones

Bradford Loomis at Robin Road with Josh

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