She was working on it at the time of her death, and Wilson has followed through. Memorial concert planned for Fall. A message from her family and friends.
Lisa Lepine, who died on Tuesday, July 5 (obituary) now rests in peace in her native Vermont. It is no surprise that she is still influencing the Oregon music scene even though she's gone. Here is a message from her family and friends. Ironically, she wanted to do a Coffeeshop Conversation with us to talk about her project with Jeremy Wilson, but.......
Dear Beloved Friends and Family of Lisa,
To many, the news that we lost Lisa on July 5, 2016 came as a surprise and a shock. It was a shock to Lisa, too. Things happened very fast and the task of contacting people, seeing doctors, having surgery and preparing for a long road with chemotherapy was overwhelming to her. She was thinking of all of you as she did this. We all know that Lisa was a master organizer, and her first task was to contact the people who could support her during the illness and help her prepare to heal. She was working on making an announcement to all of her beloved friends. Unfortunately, she was not able to make that announcement so we are making it for her. Know that she loved all of you and wanted to speak to many of you. She simply ran out of time.
Lisa Lepine was an inspiration to everyone she worked with and to everyone she ever encountered in her lifetime. It was one of her parting wishes to her friends, family and fans that her name might live on in the same spirit in which she lived her life; to continually help, aid and support others. Before her untimely passing she was working with the Jeremy Wilson Foundation to establish the “Lisa Lepine Musicians Relief Fund”. She wanted this special legacy fund earmarked to provide grants to JWF recipients who also want to enhance their recovery with additional healing practices and methods such as massage, reiki, acupuncture and sound healing. It is the wish of her family and with the support of her friends that the Lisa Lepine Musicians Relief Fund is established.
Please spread the word! post this on Facebook on your website, honor Lisa by announcing the Lisa Lepine Musicians Relief Fund at your shows, in your community. Make Lisa’s vision of “Dream.Do.Dazzle”live on by supporting the well-being of local musicians and their families through medical emergencies to recovery.
We all want to know about Lisa's Memorial: The evening of July 5th we had a spontaneous Memorial at the Kennedy School with Lisa's family. All we had to do was make a few phone calls and send a few invites and over 300 people showed up. So many of us didn't know about her illness, as mentioned, but know that wherever you were at the time of her departure, you were a part of her journey.
To accommodate all of Lisa's Friends, Fans and Family we are putting together a Memorial concert at the Crystal Ballroom sometime this Fall. This is another piece that Lisa had in the works, so we are going to see that through for her. We will keep you in the loop on this. This is the only Memorial we are planning.
Her family will have a Memorial in Vermont where her ashes will be placed alongside her Mother and Father.
We are also trying to create small gatherings starting in August, so stay tuned.
Thank you Lisa for shining in our lives so brightly!
With Love,
The Lepine Family & The Lisa Lepine Support Team