By TOM D'ANTONI // Meet OMN photographer Anthony Pidgeon who has been capturing musical moments for us for a decade. Discover life in the photographer's pit.
Regular Coffeeshop Conversations followers know that every once in a while we like to bring in one of the folks who help bring you OMN.
Today photographer Anthony Pidgeon is in the Artichoke Café with me.
Performance photos are a major part of OMN’s coverage of Oregon’s music makers. We have several excellent photographers who brave photo pits to capture unforgettable moments in music.
Not long ago, Anthony had EIGHT photo galleries from this month’s Pickathon. That’s a lot!
Let’s meet Anthony Pidgeon.
Bayard Pidgeon
I've known Anthony Pidgeon for most of my life, and learned more about his education in photography in this interview than I've ever heard from him. Also good to hear about the direction and progress of the book.