Oregon Music News: Oregon’s all-genre music magazine since 2009

Photo by Bob Howard
Photo by Bob Howard

Will Fries: Music and social media in 2020 / Coffeeshop Conversations @ Artichoke Music #224 / audio

By TOM D'ANTONI // Social Media expert, publicist and all-around helpful guy Will Fries on looking at social media in the year ahead.

Finding it more difficult to promote on social media? We’ve got someone in today to give you some pointers. It’s Will Fries who is in that business.

He’s in the Artichoke Music Café for an OMN Coffeeshop Conversation @ Artichoke.

By the way, we have shot another video episode, this time featuring singer, songwriter, broadcaster and the person in his third decade of producing the annual Winterfolk. But that’s next week.

No matter which side of the music business you’re on, either promoting music or consuming music, the stranglehold on that information by Facebook is becoming more and more problematic.

Will Fries has some answers. He does that for a living at Overt Strategies.

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Bob Howard

Fabulous, engaging interview. I loved Will's positive, informed and knowledgeable approach. Tom is a great conversationalist, but even will his gonzo style, Will was not drawn it. I loved the repartee...the optimist mets the cynic?

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