By TOM D'ANTONI // Shelly Rudolph's new album has been long in the making, but it's finally here. She talks about it and reads a poem, too. Hear a track at the end.
We’re Skyping our way through another Coffeeshop Conversation (Not) @ Artichoke Music and hoping for the day we can sit in the Café across the table and talk the way we used to.
But here’s the next best thing.
Last fall we did a video episode with Shelly Rudolph and Chance Hayden, two musicians who are married to each other.
Thing is, I had promised Shelly we’d do an episode with her when her long-awaited album came out. Well the wait is over. It’s called The Way We Love and it was worth the wait…in gold.
In case you missed the video episode with Shelly and her husband Chance Hayden:Oregon Music News · Shelly Rudolph: A new album and worth the wait / CC#244