By TOM D'ANTONI // From Austin to L.A. and Herb Alpert, to Portland. Ron Rogers and the Wailing Wind is his band
Back in the coffeeshop with an old friend, right here at World Cup Coffee and Tea at NW 18th & Glisan for another OMN Coffeeshop Conversation.
I’m Tom D’Antoni, reminding you that this podcast is now also available for you to listen to and even download on iTunes, SoundCloud and TuneIn. Just search for Oregon Music News.
The old friend is Ron Rogers. His band, The Wailing Wind has been around for seems like ten years. Time flies.
I wrote this in 2011 and it's still true:
Remember when there was "Rock?" I mean the Rock that defined the late 60's and early 70's. Countrified Rock, Hippie Rock (I do not use the word Hippie pejoratively). The kind of Rock that found it's commercial success with the Eagles, the Byrds, the Flying Burrito Brothers, the Allman Brothers and a lot of others. If that is your speed, Ron is for you.
But it's not retro in any respect, it's what he loves. There's a dash of L.A., a bit of Texas. It's guys like Ron that keep this music alive. For them and millions of other it never died, it only got pigeon-holed and held prisoner by Classic Rock radio stations.
Ron Rogers and the Wailing Wind keep the roots and the Rock fresh and, well wailing.
Born in Ft. Worth, the cool part of the north hill country in the middle of Texas, Ron Rogers worked in the music industry in both LA and Austin. As more proof of the talent crush and fascination between the two big indie towns, Portland and Austin, he now lives here.
He's been around the block during his long career in the music industry. There were stints as a songwriter for Island Records, and he fronted an Austin band named Ron Rogers and the White Slave Boys. He added a career as an artist after he moved to Portland.
Rogers' icon-on-wood artwork can been seen in the living rooms of some famous Portland music industry characters as he paints features the faces of jazz and blues musicians no longer with us.
Meet Ron Rogers.