By TOM D'ANTONI // Kicking off a week of the best of OMN's 2018! / Her new album "Run Tiny Human" is the best thing you'll hear all year, if we get through all year. She talks about it and everything.
For the next week or so, OMN will be running some the best stuff we've had on the site in 2018, beginning with this singular moment in the Coffeeshop with Rachel Taylor Brown. We'll also be running other posts, chosen by the creators of those posts, their own favorites of their own work. This is my work. -- TVD
I’ve been waiting for this Coffeeshop Conversation for years. That’s because it’s been a few years since Rachel Taylor-Brown has given us a new album. This one’s called “Run Tiny Human.”
We’re in World Cup Coffee and Tea at NW 18th & Glisan.
Rachel is not a singer-songwriter, although she gets lumped in with them. She makes art songs. Hoping saying that is not the kiss of death because her songs are the breath of life.
Nobody writes songs like she does. They’re impossible to describe. There’s one at the end of the conversation. Just listen to her talk about them.
Her album release gig is on Friday, November 9 at St. David of Wales Church.
Welcome Rachel Taylor-Brown
From the album