Times are tough and OMN needs your support. We've opened a GoFundMe campaign. Please help.
We all know how tough it is for people working in music these days. Things are just as tough for us at Oregon Music News .
Our advertising revenue has dried up, as our advertisers have either closed or scaled back their businesses due to the lockdown. We're not eligible for Federal money. So, we come asking for your help.
Here's the link.
All funds raised will go towards the monthly costs of maintaining our web hosting platform and keeping the OMN lights on.
OMN is a labor of love for all our writers, editors, photographers and podcasters. We've been here for over ten years and with your help we can be around to serve our music making and music loving community for another ten.
Please help us to keep bringing what matters in music to you until things get back to what passes for normal.
With deepest gratitude,
Ana Ammann, Publisher
Tom D'Antoni, Editor
Scott Cunningham, Managing Director