Oregon Music News: Oregon’s all-genre music magazine since 2009


Moses Barrett: The Left Door Streaming story / Coffeeshop Conversations @ Artichoke Music #279

By TOM D'ANTONI // Moses Barrett is the Junebugs' band leader. Listen to how that led to helping to found Left Door Streaming, one of the most active live-streaming companies in Oregon.

We’re Skyping again today. Hopefully just a few more weeks and I can get jabbed and we’ll be back in the Artichoke Music Café.

Communicating online is a way of life now. So is playing music and streaming it.

Moses Barrett who leads the band the Junebugs is also one of the founders of Left Door Streaming, one of Portland’s most active presenters of music online.

How did it happen? What’s involved in doing it? How does it effect his band? What does the future hold?

I guess nobody really knows the answer to that one. But Moses has some ideas.

My guess is that live-streaming will be an option for years to come. But who knows?

Let’s meet Moses Barrett.

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