By TOM D'ANTONI // Hear all about their new album Magic Number and catch up on what's new from one of Oregon's favorite bands.
Welcome back to the cupping room in World Cup Coffee and Tea at NW 18th and Glisan for another OMN Coffeeshop Conversation.
I’m Tom D’Antoni and taking a minute off from the endless road is John Averill, one of the founding members of March Fourth, the giant endless party since March the Fourth, 2003 when they formed.
Before going back out on the road in their bus full of 20 musicians, dancers and other creative folks, John was kind enough to take a few minutes out to come here and tell us about Magic Number, their new album which was recorded in New Orleans and produced by Galactic’s Ben Ellman.
They’re also in town to play their album release at Revolution Hall on Friday, October 28. Two shows!
If you’ve ever marched behind them in Portland, or just heard them play. You know how much Portlanders love March Fourth.
Here’s John Averill: