Oregon Music News: Oregon’s all-genre music magazine since 2009


Jana Cushman of Darkswoon on writing dark in dark times / Coffeeshop Conversations @ Artichoke Music #274

By TOM D'ANTONI // Jana Cushman of Darkswoon on....well, a million things. You'll like her, dark though she may be.

There are two more new episodes of Coffeeshop Conversations at Artichoke Music before we run our two best of the year.

This is one of the new ones. Next week, we’ll wrap up the year with Artichoke store manager, guitarst and teacher Jason Alburger, someone who has made producing these things at Artichoke a lot easier given the times.

Today, however I’m psyched to be able to meet and talk with Jana Cushman who leads the band Darkswoon, which makes music that sounds like it’s name.

They played a live-streaming set last spring as part of the OMN Live series, and our publisher Ana Amman wrote about her in a story celebrating World Goth Day.

What’s it like writing dark songs in a dark time when your partner is part of the band.

Let’s meet Jana Cushman

 Darkswoon on OMN Live

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