Blue October with opening act Mona
Roseland Theater
Portland, Oregon
Oregon Music News has always prided itself on supporting different genres of music. In the process, I for one regularly open myself up to new music and bands I have never seen live through my OMN work. In the case of Blue October, who are a band originally from Houston, Texas and have been around since 1995, I personally have not crossed paths with the band live before. I did know of the band’s music from radio hits like “Into the Ocean” so when the offer came I took it. Oregon Music News was there and was the only news outlet there to cover this show.
Blue October are currently on tour in support of their album, I Hope You’re Happy. The album is mainly Rock but has touches on Industrial and Synth Pop. The album’s first single and hit, “I Hope You’re Happy” is catchy and a lot of fun. Blue October’s recorded music may have an enjoyable listening quality to it, but these songs power are heightened even more in the concert environment. Their lead singer and guitarist, Justin Furstenfeld gets your attention and holds it. Not to discredit the other members of Blue October who put on a show as well, but Justin simply is an awesome front man live. He is a strong vocalist, is electric onstage and he puts on an incredible show for the band’s fans.
First off, it was easy to see the respect and love Blue October has for its fans. This live connection fueled intense versions of “Home” and “King” for example. The show would have numerous stand outs too. The encore song “Hate Me” done solo acoustic by Justin was very personal, moving and with the crowd’s respectful participation and sing along gave the song even a greater impact live. Another encore song, “Your Love Is Like a Car Crash” was moody and reminiscent the style of Peter Gabriel. Justin then opened up about his moments of depression but pushed the positives that better things are on the other side, which led into an emotional version of “Fear”. The show’s finale of “I Hope You’re Happy” ended the show off strong. While the song may not be that old time wise, it already felt like a greatest hit and got one of the best responses of the night.
This show really caught me by surprise. It was an intense experience in person. I was impressed and would recommend looking into the band’s music and more importantly witnessing this group live. I for one see quite a bit of concerts and this was by far the best show I have seen in a long time. #impressed
On a side note, Blue October surprised me post show as well. It is rare nowadays for bands to truly connect to its fans. The music business is big business nowadays and things like VIP packages have really changed the concert experience. Blue October then made themselves available to everyone after the show for its fans. Lead singer Justin Furstenfeld and Violinist Ryan Delahoussaye came out and made some rare time to sign autographs and shake hands with a long line of fans. This was refreshing to see and fans left happy not only from seeing a great show, but getting one on one quality time with the very band members that made them so happy. #respect
Blue October Official
Blue October “I Hope You’re Happy” Official video
Mona (show opener)