Through the Eyes of a Preteen: Ben Barnes at the Crystal Ballroom / Photos and video
By SYDNEY AND MIKE LEWIS // It was a refreshing departure from our usual focus on metal concerts, aligning with her desire to explore a broader range of musical experiences. Of course, we’ll find ourselves back in a metal photo pit soon enough—dodging crowd surfers and capturing the energy of spinning hair. However, this year, my goal is to expand her opportunities by attending a wider variety of shows, helping her continue to grow and refine her skills as a photographer.
Pynnacles Reunite at Mississippi Studios
By BOB HOWARD // The last time the Pynnacles performed together was 5 years ago at the World Famous Kenton Club
Fox No Bones at Al's Den
By MIKE PENK // Photos by DEBRA PENK // A full house was treated to a rare solo concert by Sarah Vitort
Heartless Break-in at Artichoke Early Last Wednesday Morning
By BOB HOWARD // This shouldn't happen. Whatever god we worship needs to be reminded that for 50 years Artichoke has supported those in need. If their is any god, a super protective force field needs to beam down from the heavens to secure all sacred spaces that do not deserve to be vandalized.
Mann Releases 2nd Track of Next Metal Album
By Bob Howard//Portland Bassist Extraordinaire, Lisa Mann, awakens her inner crone to the bone