On the staff as a hospitalist at Legacy Health, he has found deep satisfaction in his ability to explore writing and creating music in the in-between.
He has never learned to read or write music, but music certainly has filled a great piece of his brain with lyrics and melodies. His “day job” fills his brain as well, and that is where music plays a big part. Not unlike some lawyers I know who turn to music to shake off the critical and sometimes grueling aspects of their job, Dr. David Wakeling, on the staff as a hospitalist at Legacy Health, has found deep satisfaction in his ability to explore writing and creating music in the in-between of his work as a hospital physician.
Dr. Dave and I recently held down a consult on the two important sides of the brain and how they can help lead a centered and balanced life. I think Dave’s name holds a special magic because when I googled him, up comes THAT David Wakeling. He of The Beat and General Public. But also, there’s another David Wakeling running around the country side who is a former Buddhist monk and now specializes in mindfulness meditation. Somehow, all this makes coincidental sense.
All that aside, we had a chance to gather our forces, here at Robin Road, and talk music AND medicine and how they meet in Dr. Dave’s world.
Aside from perfecting the art of the songwriter’s craft and delivering his newest album, Detour, and doctoring, Dr. Dave finds time to write a few blog posts for his website and recently began podcasting with his friends at Skycast Indies. Check out Dave’s website HERE.
A “struggling musician” may not really define him, but Dave is definitely a “determined musician”.
Inessa and Dave Wakeling at Robin Road