"Magical realism to show that Portland today is just as weird as it always was - and how the past has remained with us. Plus there’s a riddle about the Buddha and a suitcase full of toys." -- Lynn Darroch
Music journalist, fiction writer and poet Lynn Darroch has something new. You can also here him on Friday afternoons from 1-4pm on his KMHD show "Bright Moments."
“Toys for the Buddha” - is more fanciful and uses magical realism to show that Portland today is just as weird as it always was - and how the past has remained with us.
Plus there’s a riddle about the Buddha and a suitcase full of toys, too!
Performed live with Mike Horsfall (vibes) and Laurent Nickel (bass).
Both stories recorded and mixed by Jonathan Swanson at InStepMusic.
Once again, Lynn Darroch and friends accommodate a narrative of urban legend. Atmospheric vibe, bumble bee,probing bass, and the voice - all provide scaffolding to audience an elevation for this chapter in sound.