By TOM D'ANTONI // Music heals, we know that, but Kyleen King is going for her masters so she can give help and therapy to musicians.
Since Coffeeshop Conversations has returned from health-related hiatus (mine), first of all it’s been fun doing them again and second, I love the guests we’ve had. David Vest and Terry Robb last week in particular.
If you missed them, I suggest you listen but...not this minute because we’ve got a good one this time.
Before we go any further, let’s give a big round of ammunition (as Doctor John used to say) to Paul K Ward who has kindly lent his talents and his studo blue…all lower case…to record, mix and fix these episodes while I continue to try to recover from what I have to recover from.
The strange thing is that the first time that today’s guest Kyleen King made an appearance on Coffeeshop Conversations, in January 2023, we had to do it this way too. Me at my desk and Kyleen at home. I had covid that time.
One of these days we’ll actually sit across from each other, I hope.
By the way, Kyleen was also a guest last summer on Darka and Miri’s Light and Limn Podcast which also can be heard on OMN.
So why such a fast return? Because Kyleen’s life has taken a new direction and we’ll find out all about it. That and how it will or will not limit her music.
We had a delightful conversation last time and there’s no good reason to think this one will be any different.
So with that too-long introduction…a big hello to Kyleen King.