"I need you." A new tune from a new album from Jon Batiste, the prodigiously talented composer/pianist/vocalist.
Says Jon:
Listen to “I NEED YOU” and order my album ‘WE ARE’: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/WeAre
Shop merch: https://jonbatistestore.com
Follow Jon: Instagram: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/Insta
Facebook: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/Facebook
Twitter: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/twitter
Spotify: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/Spotify
Apple Music: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/AppleMusic
Amazon: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/Amazon
Soundcloud: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/SoundCloud
Pandora: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/Pandora
YouTube Music: https://jon-batiste.lnk.to/YTMusic
Official Website: https://www.jonbatiste.com
VIDEO CREDITS: Prod & AD: Production Company: Residency+Paradoxal (@residency_and_paradoxal)
Director: Alan Ferguson (@alanfergusonrolep) Executive Producer: Gaetan Rousseau (@gaetannyc) 1st AD: Samantha Light (@fotograffitti) 2nd AD: Achille Vanderhaegen (@brucewillis_underground)
Production Manager: Panita Chanrasmi-Lefebvre (@panitapravda) Production Coordinator: Sebastien Le Coz (@blargghhh)
Choreography: Choreographer: Jemel McWilliams (@jemelmcwilliams) Assistant Choreographer: Dionne Figgins (@msdfiggs) Dancers: Shauna Harley (@Harleyperspective) Marielys Molina (@Marielysmolina77) Denzel Chisolm (@Denzel_Chisolm) Nicole Marvin (@nikki_moxiegold_marvin) Michael Pedroza (@phantom_dreamer_mikey) Tislarm Bouie (@tislarmbouie) Francheska Pujols (@missfrancheskaaa) Graceann Pierce (@grace_anne_pierce) Mazi (@MaziSmazi) Brandon Trent (@_brandontrent_) Justin Daniels (@ayojusxin) Dylan Contreras (@coldpadthai) Ahmet Jallo (@ahmatj007)
Band: Sax (Young): Preston Washington (@preston.washington) Bass: Ben Williams (@benwmsonbass) Sax: Tivon Pennucot (@tivon_bzz) Drums: Jonathan Barber (@jonathanb_live)
Camera/Sound: Director of Photography: Adrien Bertolle (@adrien_bertolle) 1st AC: Gregoire Albertini (@gregoire.alb) B Cam Operator: Diana Eliazov 1st AC B Cam: Tim Arene (@timarene) 2nd AC: Pierrick Reiss (@pierrick_reiss)