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"SYNTHESCHEISSE" music video from ADULTLAND is a sleazy lesson in Berlin clubbing learned the hard way

If you have ever wondered what happens on the 'theme' nights at Berlin's infamous Berghain club, this video will be your education. 


Techno fans are sporting violent evulsions on the dancefloor over the much-anticipated arrival of Euro-groovemeisters ADULTLAND, with their singular, self-released Teutonic colonic, “Synthescheisse,” mixed by Marc Levinthal (Green Jelly). “The club scene become too sterile,” says Adultland Schlagmacher Fafnir Assbender. “When you look down at floor, should not see floor. New song fix that.” After the scandalous ejection from the 2024 Eurovision Competition over copyright and sanitation issues, Adultland seemed poised to implode, but Dongsaenger DJ NordicTräk and part-time resident of Portland proclaims that their disgraceful disqualification was all part of the plan. "To try to capture the raw experience of entering Berghain is to be consumed by it's very nature, but we have harnessed it in a way that allows the klubnacht vibe to do all the work. We are merely tasked with the clean up afterward," beams NordicTräck.

DJ NordicTräk performed the song live in several Portland area venues this past Fall and will also be an upcoming guest on the podcast Shits & Giggles

The song is available to stream on the band's Soundcloud

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